I have lived in Rake with my family since 1997. My wife and I were born in Sussex in towns both within sight of the South Downs. We had homes in many different places and several countries during my 20 years commissioned service in the Army. My UK postings included Chichester and Longmoor. It was during my time in Longmoor in particular, that we grew a fondness and desire to settle the family in this locality after leaving the Army. We take pleasure in the fact that our northerly garden fence runs along the county boundary and that our home is situated in West Sussex in spite of a Hampshire postal address.
My career after leaving the Army was in senior Security, Safety, Risk Management and Business Resilience roles, initially in the retail division of Kingfisher Plc and for 16 years with BAA Plc/Heathrow Airport Ltd before finally retiring in 2016.
My retirement has given me the time to pursue my interests in conservation and the country side. Over the years my dog and I have become very familiar with the extensive public rights of way, forestry commission woodlands, commons and national trust areas in our part of the South Downs National Park.
Rake village and the adjacent residential communities astride the ‘old A3’ are situated on the geographic fringe of Parish, District and County boundary. I am keen to ensure this community is represented on the Rogate Parish Council.

01730 895941
Committees: Vice-Chairman; Chairman Finance Committee, Vice-Chairman Open Spaces Committee; RATA