Expenditure exceeding £500

Expenditure exceeding £500

The Transparency code requires that local authorities must publish details of all expenditure exceeding £500 (net), at least on a quarterly basis though Councils may publish spending data more frequently than quarterly.

Expenditure’ includes all:

  •  individual invoices
  • grant payments
  • expense payments
  • other transactions over £500
  • payments for goods and services
  • grants to third-party providers
  • grant in aid
  • rent and policy-related lending
  • credit notes over £500
  • transactions with other public bodies

Expenditure excludes:

  • transactions relating to income or the financing or underwriting of debt
  • financing and investment expenditure
  • payments made to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for value added tax (VAT), pay as you earn (PAYE) and National Insurance Contributions (NIC) or pensions.
  • salary payments to staff
  • compensation payments to individuals

Rogate Parish Council payments over £500 (net) 2024/2025

Date To whom Purpose Amount
13.05.2024 Zurich Insurance £1,097.37
20.08.2024 GoPak Rogate Village Hall – old youth club room furniture grant £1,167.03
14.10.2024 David Dolby Terwick Woodland rhododendron spraying £730.00
14.10.2024 Rogate Church Burial grounds grant £2,300.00
14.10.2024 Terwick Church Burial grounds grant £900.00


Rogate Parish Council payments over £500 (net) 2023/2024

Date To whom Purpose Amount
17.04.2023 WSCC Rake bus shelter £2,850.00
15.05.2023 Zurich Insurance £966.52
13.11.2023 Rogate Church Burial grounds grant £2,200.00
13.11.2023 Terwick Church Burial grounds grant £800.00
22.11.2023 Landbuild North Street Operation Watershed works £72,863.20
11.09.2023 Little Treasurers Playground and noticeboard repair £1053.00
12.02.2024 Rake Tennis Club Grant £600.00


Rogate Parish Council payments over £500 (net) 2022/2023

Date To whom Purpose Amount
11.04.2022 Glasdon Village gateway £670.24
24.05.2022 Zurich Insurance £920.11
12.07.2022 Rogate School Book grant £1,000.00
10.10.2022 Rogate Church Burial grounds grant £3,000.00
10.10.2022 Terwick Church Burial grounds grant £600.00
14.11.2022 APH Tree Care Rake Recreation Ground tree works £880.00
12.12.2022 R.J. Playgrounds Playground repairs £2,490.00


Rogate Parish Council payments over £500 (net) 2021/2023

Date To whom Purpose Amount
14.06.2021 Zurich Insurance £882.53
13.09.2021 Elan City SID (speed indicator device) purchase £1,658.25
11.10.2021 Rogate Church Burial grounds grant £2,000.00
11.10.2021 Terwick Church Burial grounds grant £800.00
11.10.2021 Rogate Tennis Club Grant £600.00
08.11.2021 R.J. Playgrounds Playground repairs £1,900.00
13.12.2021 High Weald Furniture Fyning Recreation Ground information board £740.00
13.12.2021 Notice Board Company Shop notice board £874.08
10.01.2022 Wilbar Associates SID post £1,093.76
10.01.2022 Hudson Tree Services Woodland management £787.50
14.03.2022 Gladson UK Village gateways £1,123.80