Procurement information

Procurement information

The transparency code requires that local authorities must publish details of every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £5,000.

For each invitation, the following details must be published:

  • Reference number
  • Title
  • Description of the goods and/or services sought
  • Start, end and review dates
  • Local authority department responsible

The code requires that local authorities must also publish details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000.

For each contract, the following details must be published:

  • Reference number
  • Title of agreement
  • Local authority department responsible
  • Description of the goods and/or services sought
  • Supplier name and details
  • Sum to be paid over the length of the contract or the estimated annual spending or budget for the contract
  • Value Added Tax (VAT) that cannot be recovered
  • Start, end and review dates
  • Whether or not the contract was a result of an invitation to quote or a published invitation to tender
  • Whether or not the supplier is a small or medium sized enterprise and/or a voluntary or community sector organisation and where it is, provide the relevant registration number.

Rogate Parish Council Procurements 2024/25 – none

Rogate Parish Council Procurements 2023/24

Date Reference Supplier Description Net amount Tender/Quote

Nov  2022


Nov 2023

NS01 Landbuild North Street Operation Watershed Works £72,863.20 Quote
Note: two other contractors we invited to quote – one never turned up for scheduled meeting and the other never responded, despite chasing.  WSCC Operation Watershed were happy with the submitted quote/contractor – the cost was being met by their grant.

Rogate Parish Council Procurements 2022/23 – none

Rogate Parish Council Procurements 2021/22 – none