Public Notices

Vacancy for a Councillor

Vacancy - Jan 2024 PARISH COUNCIL OF ROGATE (Harting Ward)  VACANCY FOR A COUNCILLOR There are currently two vacancies on the above Council with the latest being caused by the...

Civility and respect pledge – January 2023

Rogate Parish Council will: Treat all councillors, clerk and all employees, members of the public, representatives of partner organisations and volunteers with civility and respect in their...

Rogate Parish Council voting decision-R&THA

Proposed transfer of property and engagements of Rogate and Terwick Housing Association (R&THA) to PHA Homes Ltd (PHA) Rogate Parish Council hold one share of R&THA and therefore had to...

Neighbourhood plan referendum result

We made it!!  The majority of votes were in favour of accepting the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Plan 'Do you want the South Downs National Park Authority to use the neighbourhood development...